Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

65 games in 65 mins.......what a way to start a monday morning

At monday 10:10am the guys today had to prepare what has been called in GDC
as the 'microtalks'

20 slides, 16secs a slide MAX

The theme was '5 things about my life that could be a game'

To be honest i didnt know how this would turn out as it was the first time i had used this
idea in a classroom. I had seen it in action at GDC this year and it was the highlight of the
whole show for me in 2010.

I decided to give them this theme rather then keep it open with lets say '5 games'
and im glad i did because it focused their minds really well and the quality
of the output was staggering. It was amazing the different ways people
took the theme both literally and laterally.... fantastic.

The time pressure was a great mechanic as it forced everyone to get to their point
and to the point in a really short time. Conseuqently, people used mainly pictures & graphics
which was the right strategy and one which i hope to encourage again.

My change in tac this year to keep classes more active and less passive i think is working out
well and im going to keep the pressure on. Everybody is responding well.
The trick will be to keep adding enough new thingsto maintain momentum
particularly towards the end of the semester when assignments are due.

Its puzzles on wednesday........should be interesting